Trippin' out

By Anonymous - 21/08/2023 08:00

Today, my dog ate an entire bag of my boyfriend’s shrooms. She got incredibly sick and had to be admitted to doggie hospital. My entire family was worried that we would lose her. All except my boyfriend, who was more upset that his shrooms were gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 680
You deserved it 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you meant to type ex-boyfriend, he sounds like a real ****.

If he really was so upset to lose his shrooms, then why didn't he keep them away from the dog? FYL. Get a new boyfriend, someone with a brain.


I hope you meant to type ex-boyfriend, he sounds like a real ****.

If he really was so upset to lose his shrooms, then why didn't he keep them away from the dog? FYL. Get a new boyfriend, someone with a brain.

Doom_Kitty 12

how stupid must someone be to let dangerous stuff lying around when there are pets or kids in the house.

I hope you mean EX-boyfriend. Anyone who harms an animal in any way should have the same thing done to them. That includes if they don't care that the animal is sick, in pain, etc., especially when it's their own fault.