By Anonymous - 05/06/2017 21:00 - Argentina

Today, it was so windy that when a man walking in front of me sneezed, all of his saliva blew onto me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 631
You deserved it 196

Top comments

At least he didn't have diarrhea, that would have been a sticky (and stinky) situation.


pdelapuente92 11

A guy writes to an advice columnist, "I met a really beautiful woman last night, but I can't remember whether she said she had TB or VD. What should I do?" The columnist replied, "If she coughs, **** her."

At least he didn't have diarrhea, that would have been a sticky (and stinky) situation.

Justine Malang 16

Yeah sneezes come from a different output..

It's cute that you think it's "saliva." It's actually atomized snot.

ArbiterOfFML 24

Well, isn't that disgusting?