Too little, too late

By Anonymous - 12/05/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, my wife complained about her job and brought up an idea to start our own business and move out of this small town. It was the exact same idea I got yelled at for bringing up 15+ years ago. Now my health is bad, near retirement, and can't get off insurance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 507
You deserved it 73

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For most people it’s easy to complain, but harder to do something about it. I assume your wife probably knows that now it’s harder to start your own business than it once was and that makes it safer to complain about that… OP, I think I understand your situation. The truth is that it’s risky at any age to start your own business. Most fail with the first year. On the other hand the potential benefits are significant, or at least so I have heard… Try to understand if wife is just venting (I really hate that but a lot of people do it). If it’s just venting wife just wants to share her frustrations does not expect you to solve them. There is a really big difference in venting and actually wanting to do something about the situation. Be sure you understand the difference.


For most people it’s easy to complain, but harder to do something about it. I assume your wife probably knows that now it’s harder to start your own business than it once was and that makes it safer to complain about that… OP, I think I understand your situation. The truth is that it’s risky at any age to start your own business. Most fail with the first year. On the other hand the potential benefits are significant, or at least so I have heard… Try to understand if wife is just venting (I really hate that but a lot of people do it). If it’s just venting wife just wants to share her frustrations does not expect you to solve them. There is a really big difference in venting and actually wanting to do something about the situation. Be sure you understand the difference.