Late stage capitalism

By Anonymous - 22/03/2022 12:00

Today, my wife’s business has failed in its first year. She blames the government, despite me telling her no one is going to work for her when she only offers minimum wage, one week unpaid vacation, two months maternity and one week paternity, no overtime rates, and a pay-to-use staff car park. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 345
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that just sounds like slavery with extra steps.

I thought by law all hourly employees had to be payed overtime after 40 hours?


wow, is her name Karen? were people supposed to feel privileged to work for her? I hope she's nicer at home.

that just sounds like slavery with extra steps.

I thought by law all hourly employees had to be payed overtime after 40 hours?

Depends on how they do the schedule. I had a job that did a 4 day 48 hour week, then a 3 day 36 hour week, and there was zero OT because it was technically an 80 hour pay cycle. Now if you remained 15 mi utes extra, you got OT, but that never happened.

Jon Tessler 14

that is NOT how overtime works, you let them rip you off

Dirtysalamander1 13

you must have been payed bi weekly. but for weekly pay is overtime past 40 hours

That's basically how our schedule works. Hourly folks get paid bi weekly on an 80 hour pay period. Anything over 40 hours in a week is technically OT but has to be pre-approved and tied to something specific (like a project). Consistently going over 40 h without approval is likely to trigger grief from management. it's not uncommon in our department for folks to realize at COB Thursday they are at 36 hours hence they do a half-day Friday.

yahok 3
Grumpy Jack 26

I hope she gives you better social conditions...