By heyyoitsapotato - 31/05/2013 02:35 - United States

Today, while working as a lifeguard, a kid took a dump in the pool. When I told everyone to clear the pool so we could clean it, another kid promptly stared at me, stood at the shallow end right where I was standing, pulled down his trunks, and peed on my feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 129
You deserved it 3 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Main reason I do not want to have kids. 4 siblings is enough.


I appreciate the fact that you didn't use profanity.

If mine tried that they wouldn't of been able to sit down, therefore they wouldn't of been game to try crap like this. Some parents claim their kid lack manners and misbehave and in most cases its either because they don't get punished at home or they think their kids do nothing wrong. I feel sorry for you OP, is management able to give the parents a warning about the child?

Dusty_Busters 15

You should have returned the favor.

It's happened to me.. I know the feeling

What the other kid did could be forgivable if it were an accident, but dropping your trunks and pissing on someone's feet can't be done by accident. I really hope that brat got banned from the pool and got his ass beat, same goes for the other kid if it wasn't an accident and he intentionally took a dump in the pool.