By hunnydoll - 18/08/2009 00:16 - United States

Today, while talking to my boyfriend, I was frantically searching for my cell phone. He was curious as to what I was doing so I told him. There was long silence followed by laughter. He could hardly breathe as he told me, "Honey you're on your phone talking to me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 393
You deserved it 193

Top comments

Escapist28 0

No, I agree with Lisimal. This sort of thing happens to me all the time, too. I'd give you a few examples, but I can't seem to locate my keyboard...


yeah. that happens all the time to people. how is this a fml?

F_fatchick_lives 0

Agreed! O.P. You are a moron!

exactly. this happens very often to people. how is this even a fml?

o_m_f_g 0

i've totally done that before, haha. don't worry!

monicamischief 0

this belongs on MLIA, not FML. MLIA is better anyway

Oh yeah, your life is ****** alright. You've done what I'm sure everyone has done at least one time in there life, not only that, but your boyfriend just had a good laugh. It's not like he broke up with you, jesus. And before anyone comments on my post: No it's not that funny, at all. This is a totally shit FML.

Agreed with genius. In fact, I think a similar FML was already on here.

guys does ur wife have to die for it to be a FML.. this is so an fml.. and a funny one at that.. so if its not original, it happens.

man i've done that before. T_T how pathetic. literal self inflicted head smack

blo0_starZz 0

not that bad? it made me lmbo x]]

violetrider123 3

lawlz your lucky he wasn't an ass about it

I put her life sucks because it must be tough living in this world as such a stupid person.

Lol! Thats pretty funny. Another would be: Where are my sunglasses? Ohyeah on my head..though the whole talking on it to your bf makes it more funny x)

No, your example is like looking for your phone in your pocket. The FML is like looking for your sunglasses when they're on your /face/.

Tragically, i have actually looked for my glasses whilst wearing them before.

I've done that before at a swim meet. Such an awkward moment when you realize that your goggles have been on your head the whole time you'd been panicking before a race...

Sleepy_Jamie 0

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How is this an FML? We all have moments like this...well, kind of.

debo123 0

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marinewife88 0

this isn't really an just had a stupid moment..happens to everyone...

maisie2 0

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mowmowlife 21

I think the FML was more about how completely idiotic it was that she couldn't locate her phone when she was talking on it the whole time

merryhappy1887 20

you're a douche.. fmls aren't serious.. she thought it was funny and embarrassing so she shared it. now shut your ***** mouth.

Calm down there, brah. No need to get that upset over a comment.

Lisimal 7

That happens to me all the time.

All the time?! You should make a note of this on your resume. Potential employers will find this trait adorable and endearing.

Escapist28 0

No, I agree with Lisimal. This sort of thing happens to me all the time, too. I'd give you a few examples, but I can't seem to locate my keyboard...

TheScratchyTurtl 0

I think this person took the slogan your everday life stories a bit to litterally. I stared at it for a minute thinking how on earth this got passed moderation I hardly even get it.