By smiley1014 - 18/11/2013 09:14 - United States

Today, while swimming in the ocean, I felt some sand under my wedding ring. I took it off for a second, and got hit by a huge wave. My ring is now lost somewhere in the ocean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 652
You deserved it 43 314

smiley1014 tells us more.

smiley1014 23

I guess I didn't put on the FML that I am a male. My wife told me that she wants me to wear my ring (except during work, which is Aviation and we're not allowed). I told her I wasn't comfortable wearing it in the ocean, and she said I had to anyway. After losing my ring, my wife bought snorkel equipment and I spent an hour diving for it until the sun set. My wife and I have been married for 5 years, and we both got a laugh out of it, and we purchased another ring the next day in a Hawaiian market that now has a story and more meaning than the first ring.

Top comments

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

Where did taking your ring off in the ocean sound like a good idea?

Why does your wife get to decide what you should do if you don't feel comfortable with it? I'm glad everything worked out though.


My dad is on his fourth wedding ring? (My parents have been married 40 years) One of his rings is at the bottom of the ocean in Hawaii- his came off while scuba diving. :) I'm going to bet there's quite a few rings down there

Sounds like Hawaii is the Bermuda triangle of wedding rings.

I have no idea why people would say you deserve it! I'm so sorry! :(

because why whould they take it off in the ocean anyway? what did they think was going to happen?

Way to demonstrate your intelligence saying op was a girl AFTER they posted stating they're male. Btw, Darwin called. He's looking for you.

ScorchingEyes00 7

YDI because you didn't take your ring off before you went in the water. I always remove my rings before even going into a pool.

OPs wife didn't want him to. what do you not understand about that you twat.

They probably didn't read the comments and just commented.

Yep!!! Always take ring off swimming!! I almost lost mine in La Jolla, Cali.

Q94 5

Dammit, Dudeman!!! Your screwing all of us guys!!! Shut it down, man!!!

Somewhere in the ocean off of Hawaii there are a ton of wedding rings... Time to go treasure hunting!

Thats happened to a few pair of my sunglasses

paguilera28 5