Disturbing the peace

By Anonymous - 07/04/2022 22:00

Today, I tried to tell a kid he couldn't skate without a helmet. He called me a Karen and pushed me into a fountain, so I called the cops. The cops arrived and questioned the kid, who said I deserved it for being a Karen. They accepted that, and told me to stop harassing kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 401
You deserved it 1 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're not their parent or they're not in an area supervised by you where rules are enforced (skate rink etc) leave 'em be. If they smash their skulls open, that's a them problem.

YDI. If it’s not your kid, leave them alone on what they are doing


YDI. If it’s not your kid, leave them alone on what they are doing

it's called the Darwin effect, if they're ignorant enough not to wear safety gear then it won't matter when they end up with a traumatic injury or dead !!!

If you're not their parent or they're not in an area supervised by you where rules are enforced (skate rink etc) leave 'em be. If they smash their skulls open, that's a them problem.

Him pushing you into a fountain was uncalled for, but you instigated it. Next time MYOB as long as its not your kid and they aren't breaking the law or causing trouble.

YDI. wasn't your kid, not your job to parent. pushing you into the fountain was a little extreme but there needs to be repercussions for being a Karen

As annoying as Karens are, cops shouldn't be condoning anti-Karen violence. #KarenLivesMatter

Not as much as the Karens believe they do.

I mean, you definitely didn't deserve to be pushed into the fountain either way, and the cops were definitely assholes for not taking the shoving seriously. But as to the Karen remark, there is an important point of clarification here: Were you a responsible authority for the area/activity? Like, if you're liable if he got hurt, then, yeah - Totally your business to make sure he's wearing a helmet and enforcing any rules of the place. But if you're just some well-meaning busybody, you really had no authority beyond encouraging him to wear proper safety gear for his own benefit. Attempting to obstruct him in any other fashion would have been out-of-line Karen behaviour [Which, again, didn't deserve physical violence against you].

Bear in mind we are only hearing the Karen's side of this story. Karen's won't accept that they did anything wrong, so it's quite possible that she got physical with the kid first. In which case a physical but not harmful response was perfectly justified. Given the way the police did nothing about it, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's what happened.

Let him fall and hurt himself next time, so he learns

If you knew the kid or it was your job, it would be okay. But if it was just some random kid, stay out of it. You didn't deserve to be pushed into a fountain by the little punk, but next time, if it's not someone you know or your job, just leave it alone.