By tirf - 09/02/2015 22:58

Today, while correcting essays, I spilled ketchup on a student's paper. I managed to successfully turn it into a happy smiley face but when proudly looking at the result, noticed it was right next to the big "F" that I had graded it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 852
You deserved it 11 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Positively reinforcing failure. Weird trick. Hope it works for you.


Roskosity 22

Oh no. Not ketchup. That's worse than the F.

Now turn that F into a B and the smiley was you grading their paper on a huge curve.

toxicpinkcandy 10

just make it super artsy and write something like "see me AFTER class, please." using mustard and other things and discuss their failed paper. voila! (:

Well I take it the f wasn't for fun. If you spilt something on it why not just clean it the best you can and leave it? No you look rude and inconsiderate .

You should tell them they have a lot of ketching up to do! It'll break the tension, trust me.

"You have a lot to ketchup on, young student!"

somechick8266 14

well since i am sure getting an f and seeing you made a smiley is going to make that person feel like crap maybe you should see if they need help on whatever the subject was to show them you werent trying to be rude

AviKerensky 17

F?! I guess that means your student has to Ket-chup so he/she won't fail the class entirely. Ha! No? Okay.