By Madridsta - 28/06/2014 06:28 - United States - Rialto

Today, while being high for the first time after getting my wisdom teeth pulled, I called my dental assistant pretty before leaving, and then shouted, "I NEED TO POOP!" to the whole office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 902
You deserved it 7 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you /did/ just lose what small amount of wisdom you had.

I don't need to be high for shouting that. Pooping is some serious shit.


martin8337 35

Smooth. You're a regular mac daddy, or is it daddy mac.

This happens to most people I know who have had this done. Don't feel bad, OP, yours was really mild.


I could definitely see myself doing this. Thankfully when they pulled mine all I needed was local anesthetic and Advil.

You shouldn't smoke after tooth extraction. The sucking motion might dislodge the blood clots at the extraction sites causing what is known as "dry socket". It's extremely painful and slows down healing.

Coeliacchic93 21

I don't think they were smoking anything... pain meds can often give people a high.

Surprisingly this is the only comment like this so far!

xkatiexhx 5

Dude the first time I got high I ran down the high street asking this boy I was with if he wanted a ******* then a handjob and then sex. It's normal for the first time

normal? idk anyone this has ever happened to. you sound like a ho.

That's not too bad, just funny. My brother tried to fight the dentist and our mom when he woke up; I just tried to talk to her in sign language (despite not using it in over a decade). Everyone reacts differently.

Why didn't you go to another clinic! Never let your coworkers, let alone subordinates see you drugged up

Oh that's too funny :D Don't stress it OP, they hear that kind of stuff all the time. Apparently I was hitting on my dentist as I was leaving. Don't remember a thing lol. I'm sure they've heard worse, trust me.