By Cold&Soaked - 03/02/2018 05:00

Today, I set my alarm and got up early to view the Super Blue Blood Moon. I was all wrapped up in a blanket and had a perfect view from my backyard. It’s been a truly amazing experience, made even more exciting by the sprinklers turning on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 827
You deserved it 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s an experience that only happens once in a blue moon 😂

Super Blue Wet Blood Moon. Sounds vaguely obscene.


Super Blue Wet Blood Moon. Sounds vaguely obscene.

That’s an experience that only happens once in a blue moon 😂

Lobby_Bee 17

You wouldn't want to miss this. Great idea having the sprinklers be the anti snooze button.

Haha! My mom invented that when I was a teenager!

I was in school when it occurred for me

Dusclops2002 9

At least you got to see it. It was way too cloudy where I was.

Tressa95 12

I woke up to watch it, and I couldn't see through the clouds