By Richard - 06/02/2010 18:39 - France

Today, there was a new and extremely attractive girl at youth group, so I decided to introduce myself. Her reply was, "Wow, I've always wanted to meet a gay guy!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 328
You deserved it 4 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your reply " and I've always wanted to meet an ignorant bitch"

Darth_Draco 0

WTF? what a terrible rude thing to say!


iLenny 0

oh shit! that sucks! what a bitch!

nates0210 0

why would she think you're gay if you're at a youth group? "i love Jesus... a lot ;)"

stop wearing skinnu jeans and girls wont think you are gay....

Thank you! I hate it when (straight) guys wear skinny jeans. There's no room for their junk, where did it go? Was it ever there...?

Skinny jeans aren't bad. Most of them are elastic, or at least part elastic. And there is most definitely room for your junk, just don't put them on with a hard on. But wearing them doesn't mean you're gay.

sweettes 0

that's what u get for being gay.

sublime93 0

Even if OP did act affeminate around her, she had no right to immediately say that. That shows she's ignorant and never learned any manners

Maybe she meant it as go the **** off?

Maybe you just have a feminine voice. Sometimes people are mistaken to be gay because of that. Anyway, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like being gay is a horrible thing.