By YAABOIII - 05/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, the 7 year old boy I was babysitting studied my upper lip and said "It's okay, my daddy won't let me shave yet either." I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 215
You deserved it 8 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shmunk 0

wait till he falls asleep then glue some of your pubes to his face. then your mustache will be old news.

FYL, but maybe you should think about shaving.


lol hey, some kids are just that blunt. shave the damn thing and you wouldnt have a problem.

You definitely deserved that. I am SO sick of seeing chicks walking around with 'staches. NOBODY wants to see that shit. Wax it. Shaving is not enough, because the stubble worse than the actual hair or fuzz. I work with a lady who has a stubbly stash. It makes me gag. AND...AND she wears loose fitting shirts, so I get to see her HAIRY armpits. God only knows what the rest of her looks like. Ladies, get rid of that shit.

starshine3987 0

If she cares so much about what people think about her moustache, then why /doesn't/ she shave it?

you do realize that it's said pretty girls will get mustaches. so, if it's true, hey, it's not so bad! and a lot of the guys here should stop freaking complaining so much.

neptuneflytrap 0

This is kind of a YDI to me since I hate it when girls are oblivious to their upper lip hair. It's perfectly normal, but since lots of people like to pretend it doesn't exist, tons of girls just never think to look there. (I guess. I can't think of another explanation.) To the person who said shaving is a horrible idea, that's not true. Electric razors make the skin feel just as smooth as a wax, and are wayyyyyy cheaper and insanely easy/fast to use.

HyperExecuter 0

that's not too bad. just get it waxed. nonbig deal don't dwell on it

******* kids. i would've expected better from a 7 yr old.