By YAABOIII - 05/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, the 7 year old boy I was babysitting studied my upper lip and said "It's okay, my daddy won't let me shave yet either." I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 215
You deserved it 8 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shmunk 0

wait till he falls asleep then glue some of your pubes to his face. then your mustache will be old news.

FYL, but maybe you should think about shaving.



this actually happened to my friend..she got that fixed ahahah

at least the kid was trying to be nice.

Dontcrossthetee 0

YDI..and honey, go get your lip waxed. It's all apart of being a woman.

I's say both FYL and YDI.. FYL because you had to be told by a seven year old that you have facial hair,, YDI because why the hell do you have facial hair?? LMAO! You Suck.

1) Facial hair is quite common on girls. Especially a mustache on the upper lip. 2) The last time I told a 16 yr. old girl to shave her mustache (while we were shaving a friend) she didn't speak to me for weeks. QUESTION: How do you politely tell a girl that she has some facial hair? Anonymous message?