By Anonymous - 13/09/2009 09:27 - United States

Today, my whole family was sitting in the kitchen. My sister was stoned and passed out in our dog's bed. My dad was drunk, yelling "who's your daddy" at his plate of barbecue, and my mom just sat there with that, "what the hell happened to my life" look on her face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 559
You deserved it 50

Top comments


Labyrinth13 20

Sounds like your family is a lot of fun to be around.

I feel worse for OP's mom. All families are a little dysfunctional and crazy in one way or another. If this happens on occasion, I wouldn't worry too much about it. At least your dad's funny and crazy when he's drunk; he could be abusive, then you'd have a real problem. If this is a regular occurrence in your family than I think it's time for substance abuse or family therapy. Maybe your family could star in a reality TV show or be the inspiration for a sitcom or cartoon like Family Guy.

Are you the creepy guy smiling in the window?

WPL 10