By Anonymous - 04/10/2015 11:45 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, my wannabe psychologist of a brother accused me of lying about all the violence and emotional abuse my ex inflicted on me, all because I went into "too much detail" when describing it, which he says is something only liars do. Thanks for the support. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 615
You deserved it 1 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chrisbeaudoin 26

I think your brother should maybe the one to see a psychologist

Your brother probably doesn't want to believe it even happened. It's easier to call someone a liar than to accept the painful truth.


When people don't believe you it's the hardest part. Don't doubt yourself. You will get through it.

Your brother probably doesn't want to believe it even happened. It's easier to call someone a liar than to accept the painful truth.

That's not really an adequate defense of his actions. He accuses his sister of lying about her abusive boyfriend because it's too painful for HIM to face? I don't think so. Especially when part of the reason most people don't come forward with things like that, is because of fear that people won't believe them. And honestly, the basis he gave for believing she was lying - too much detail - sounds more like the brother is being arrogant and condescending, rather than scared.

Maybe the OP's brother liked the ex and couldn't accept that her ex could do something like that.

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#32 and when people tell the truth they also go into too much details otherwise people wouldn't believe them

The poster could be a man.. Not necessarily a woman

chrisbeaudoin 26

I think your brother should maybe the one to see a psychologist

Seek actual support from a licensed professional, OP, that way you can get things fixed and it wont affect you in the future. Your brother is an insensitive jerk.

That's his way of saying he doesn't care. Just find someone who does if you still need to vent.

Sounds like you had a rough time from 2 important people in your life. Be strong OP

Hopefully you can find someone who will listen to you without assuming you're lying.

MasterTron 24

Unsupportive family is the worst - hope you can find some good friends OP