By Anonymous - 03/10/2013 03:00 - United States - Decatur

Today, my parents favoritism towards my brother really shone through when we moved house and he got the nicest and by far biggest room. I wouldn't mind, but my brother is in college overseas and never comes home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 407
You deserved it 2 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stay there while he's gone? Maybe your parents can compromise


That's awesome when he's gone just switch rooms that's what I did when I was a kid

Hey, you can earn their hearts. You clearly care, just show them how you love them daily and tell them. And put a nice smile when you see them. It works.

I am sure smiling and telling them what awesome parents they are will only make them think Op is happy with the current way things are.

If that's the case and your stuff will fit equally well in either room, just swap rooms. Brother can contest when he comes home if its an issue.

that is when you go and become a house pirate and overtake the room!

may god bless ur parents with love for u.. i don't knw the reason behind this partiality.. but in the end the more who suffers gets stronger and becomes successful in future.. stay strong.. u r the man

If you get in contact ask if you can swap with him...I don't think he would mind...

You deserve it, your brother probably works harder than you.

you deserve a kick in the face ya jerk

@44: How could you possibly know that...

Helldemon 32

Agree with the 3 above. Guess this gives us a clue why some people put ydi on anything, they come up with some wild assumption based on nothing to justify it lol.

So when he leaves for school trade rooms