By Elliott_B - 24/06/2011 15:54 - United States

Today, my neighbor passed away, and my father and I went to give his wife our condolences. In the middle of my dad's conversation with the wife, he says "I'm sorry for your loss, I knew Jim well, he was a great guy." The wife stares at him and says, "His name was Rich." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 121
You deserved it 6 756

Elliott_B tells us more.

Elliott_B 3

OP here, just for some more info we had given her a card at the same time and my dad wrote Rich in it, he just accidentally let Jim slip on accident. my dad is not an "idiot", he just wasn't thinking clearly at the time

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

It's time to jump in your Batmobile and make a get-away.


haileyylyynn 0

need a moment eat a twix !

Maybe she named him Rich because she only wanted his money?

Greendaycheese 12

This FML is from like... 2 years ago. Nice try, though.

fydl. his life is f×cked. yours is fine.