By shots shots shots - 12/02/2013 07:41 - United States - Redlands

Today, my needle-phobic mother took me to get a shot. She fainted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 388
You deserved it 2 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Cool! You can skip the shot. When your mom comes to, tell her you are finished and can go home now. Or stop off for ice cream for being such a brave girl!

She should have stayed in the waiting room....


Its a very real, medically recognized condition known as Trypanophobia. F her life for having a completely rational fear of all things negatively associated with needles. Pokes, stabs, pain, blood, drugs,HIV, and any other freaky ass reason I can't come up with for hating them so...

I am pretty sure no-one was doubting the rationalality of the mum's fear...

SnoochBoochie 14

I think the have a room you can wait in if you choose to not be in the office for your own comfort. I forget what it is called our where you find it, just ask next time.

I've seen people pass out at the bio lab I go to, it's not uncommon. Many people are are scared of needles, blood etc. I'd understand if you had to carry/drag her out of the building afterward, but I don't see how your embarrassment surpasses her confronting her fear for you.

Was your mom trying to overcome her fear? Baby steps.

mcaisse77 17

I suffer from needle phobia too. I don't see why this is an fml on your part though. Your mom couldn't help it. I hyperventilate and cry and have almost passed out on a few occasions when I was just getting my finger pricked. I can't help it, my body starts doing it on its own. This is more of an f her life.

F Her Life, more like. Bet she wasn't pleased about it any more than you.

ulissey_fml 22

My own ex-husband would have shot out of the room at the sight of a single blood drop. Needlesss to say, if I was a blood donor , he was a blood runner...

At least it isn't you who has a fear of needles. Your mom can easily go in another room or not look when you get a shot.

I'm needle phobic too... So I can relate to that situation. Either way, still ironic someone who is needle phobic to take you to get a needle...