By notmuchfun - 20/07/2010 21:17 - United States

Today, my mother continued her lifelong habit of talking to anyone who isn't white in extremely slow, exaggerated "caveman" English. She insists that she isn't being racist, but rather is helping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 444
You deserved it 4 681

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trupe 3

Black guy no like racist mommy. Very offensive

maybe you should start talking to her like a caveman and see how much she likes it....


yolie_fml 0

At least she isn't saying it super loud.

FYL. Wouldn't you think the OP would be racist as well if their mother is like this? You're lucky...

HAHA I love when that happens to me.

Good heavens... Well... She'll eventually figure out she's actually being racist. I just hope the poor darling doesn't get seriously hurt in the process.

SapphireSympathy 7

omg. my mom is so racist too. except we're asian. so really, its just wow mom. she doesnt like mexicans, white ppl, blacks, indians. and im like mom! stop being so racist. shes like. im stating my opinon. its not like they can hear me! which is true. so i asked who's left in the world u like?? she said ASIANS!!!! =/

that is just so great, 77. everyone is a better person for knowing that.

lol!!! it seems she wants Asians to rule the world!! THE WOOOOORLD!!!!

yeah, 21, asians are the most racist people in the world, especially chinese, followed very closely by indians. you don't know racism until you hear north indians bitching about south indians and vica versa. we leave white racists in the dust

that's scary to know. I've known some pretty racist white people.

yeah, 157, it does kind of suck. I'm third generation, though, so I'm not much more racist than any normal american. it is kind of embarrassing sometimes

pop_a_squat 2

I feel you 21. Except my mom is Nigerian, and she hates all white people. And she likes to voice her opinion about it to our family OFTEN. It's quite ironic how she's always telling us how not to trust white people, that they're all racist, when she's probably more racist than alot of them. Maybe she's the one I can't trust...

buttshapedfruit 0

wrong! nobodys more racist than white ppl and Asians .

um, #10? burrito...? anyway, if she says that again, say "mom, you know those geico commercials? well, the cavemen are WHITE." then walk away.

"You are mom sounds like a winner" = what you just said. It's YOUR. YOUR mom sounds like a winner. No e and no '.

I just looove the grammar police educating the world 1 person at a time... :)

I'm guessing there's a 25% chance auto correct is to blame.

i'm so sorry for all the times you have probably been beaten up because of her. and all the times your house has been egged or tp'd. and all the nasty notes you've gotten. and all the dates you've lost.

Psiren 0

kinda wish I was Asian 21 is pretty hot

Psiren 0

how? I don't turn 18 for a few more months I got time and there's no way to tell if she's young or not your ignorant

i agree with the first part of 48. i say FMLers should private message the hotties they find oh so appealing. because there are a lot of cuties. and more private messages means less spam! and spam isn't cute. ): so people of the world: message the sexy. (this was spawned from "Then, keep it to yourself.")

53, especially when you get to see all the creepers say at the same time "OMG GUYS! LOOK AT HER BEWBS! SHE'S SO HAWT!" It gets old after a while. Inbox, away!

eeeeexactly, 57. thanks for backing me up on this one.

yes, yes. i did. "youre" stupid not "your stupid." (my stupid what? ha. ha. ha.) but since i was just responding to the first part, i thought i'd make it clear.

haha, i know what you were doing. i'm just saying that i understood the second part of your "48" comment. because you seemed to think i didn't. (:

right. because my comment was in regard to the first sentence of your comment. and then you thought that i didn't understand the second part (because apparently i just exude "bimbo." :p). so i showed you that i did. i never called you an asshole! or ignorant. :(

oh. fine then. we're frenemies. final offer.

hahaha. don't think my boyfriend would approve. ;)

huh. i have no idea how this ended up happening. but, uh... cool.

noooo. but i recently had a tonsillectomy so i am jacked up on percocet. hellz yes.