By Anonymous - 23/09/2012 17:28 - Hungary - Budapest

Today, my mom heard on TV that teens need at least ten hours of sleep a day. Now she makes me go to bed at 7pm. I told her I can't finish my homework in time, and my grades will suffer. She wouldn't listen. Last week, she threatened to punish me if I don't get straight As this semester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 779
You deserved it 1 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why does she think you need to be up at 5?

Tell her she can get one or the other from you. Straight A's or straight Z's, not both.


I feel for you OP . When I was in high school , I was once grounded for getting a A- on a test . Parents can be crazy sometimes, hopefully it will get better.

You have a strict mother if she wants you to get straight As AND go to bed at 7pm

What I suggest is that, right when you get home from school, start doing your homework. Don't turn on any devices such as tv, mp3 player, etc. Then, if someone older than you, preferably your mom, is at home with you, do homework near them. For instance, if your mom is preparing dinner, sit in the kitchen. Do your homework without screwing around. If you really can't do homework on a consistent basis, maybe your mom will realize that you can't have both a 7 pm bed time and straight As. If you can do it, maybe she has a point and you'll at least understand where she's coming from.

imodilley 4

Where does having a life fit into this schedule? I get your point but it sounds like the mother is a can't see passed her nose personality and expecting perfection. In the real world no one always gets 10 hours of sleep every night. This expectation is begging for rebellion. I tried to give my mom everything she wanted multiple times as each time she would always ask for more. I learned the only person I could satisfy was myself and that was setting my own expectations to the highest of my being. Not someone else expectations.

bach2121 13

She's just trying to help you, do what she thinks will make you successful in the end. I wish I had a mother like that even if she's a little overbearing. Maybe if you have a study hall/lunch time you can work a little to make up for the time you lost?

Lufferkinz 0

That sucks, OP. Maybe stay up in your room?

I wish I could get 10 hours of sleep, between football, lacrosse and AP classes I'm lucky to get 5.

Iknowsomestuff 9

If it turns out you don't need ten hours you'll be up at like 3AM, which should give you time to finish.

Why can't you just fake going to bed and finish your homework then? Unless she sits beside your bed until she's sure you are asleep...