By Anonyme - 26/09/2014 06:56 - France - Saint-di

Today, my husband felt dishonoured: his darling little girl, the love of his life, whom he's always considered pure, turns out to be pregnant. He's now warned her: she's grounded and that whoever did this to her had better not come hanging round the house. Pussy, two years old, is now housebound until her kittens are born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 549
You deserved it 70

Top comments

Soft kitty, Warm kitty, Little ball of fur. Happy kitty, Sleepy kitty, You're such a *****.


Plot twist...drab to FAB!!! Hilarious.

Don't want your cat to get pregnant? Get her spayed. Cats that aren't "fixed" will go around making kittens if they're allowed outside, it's just how they are. There's no-one to blame but yourselves.

Completely Mis-Leading, MUCH!!?? WHAT an IDIOT!!!

cryssycakesx3 22
CaroAurelia 12

And this, friends, is why you spay and neuter.

omg i thought you were gunna say your daughter.

Haha that is too cute! Congrats on the kittens! They will be sooo cute!

Mysterious_one 26

that is serious.. u both need to start making some kids

ericapalooza 8