By TattedAsian - 11/01/2010 07:28 - United States

Today, my girlfriend asked for me to come to her. Then move my head in close to her and close my eyes. Expecting a sweet and romantic kiss I positioned my lips for my surprise. My surprise wasn't a kiss, instead it was a nice crunchy booger she placed in my mouth with her finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 020
You deserved it 5 881

TattedAsian tells us more.

TattedAsian 0

TO ALL: believe it or not my girlfriend is older then me and I'm 22. we have one of those immature/mature relationships. on a scale of 1 to 10 of being mad, I would say I was at an honest 1. on a scale of 1 to 10 of being surprised/humor I was at an all time 10. I got the booger out of my mouth and acted like I placed it in the trash can. 5 minutes later I wiped it on her lips. Not the same but good enough for me. Ive always told her that when you go digging for gold you should always share with the towns people. So she did, lol. I cant blame her cuz I would do the same to her.

Top comments

dating four-year-olds has that disadvantage.

Horde 8

Surprise her with a huge slap as a sign of your admiration


Whoa. That's gross. I definitely wouldn't stay with that chick.

PurpleKuSh_fml 0

man what da **** kinda shit is that!

Maris_Go_Rawr 0


saranottelling 7

You can pick your nose. You can pick your boyfriend. You can't pick your nose and expect your boyfriend to eat the "gold" that comes out. I wouldn't be able to put up with anyone that thinks that's cute or acceptable. Everyone knows picking your nose and eating the boogers in frowned down upon if you're over the age of five, unfortunately.

I'd break her kneecaps and shove her off the roof.

what the hell is with all these weird ass people in the world

TattedAsian 0

TO ALL: believe it or not my girlfriend is older then me and I'm 22. we have one of those immature/mature relationships. on a scale of 1 to 10 of being mad, I would say I was at an honest 1. on a scale of 1 to 10 of being surprised/humor I was at an all time 10. I got the booger out of my mouth and acted like I placed it in the trash can. 5 minutes later I wiped it on her lips. Not the same but good enough for me. Ive always told her that when you go digging for gold you should always share with the towns people. So she did, lol. I cant blame her cuz I would do the same to her.

No matter how "immature/mature" your relationship is, that's disgusting. I'm 16, I know I'm very immature, but I'd never put a booger in my boyfriends mouth. I stopped picking my nose when I was 5, like a normal person should. If you were so okay with it and you weren't mad, then why are you posting a FML about? You're obviously not messed up about it. **** both of your lives, grow up.

Many normal people still pick boogers. Maybe judgmental people like you don't. I myself still pick boogers, because at least I know what's in my nose and when it's out. Of course I don't eat them, I usually wipe them on a napkin.

stop judging other people ms. 16 year old

ilovedominicx3 0

hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha