By kippis05 - 17/02/2010 05:03 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were waiting for the bus. The weather had been cold and snowy recently, and I realized I'd forgotten my transit card. She nonetheless got on the bus without me. I had to walk it alone in the snow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 351
You deserved it 9 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LauraTheKiwi 0

what's funny about this is the double standard. if a guy had left his gf everyone would be up in arms about how she should dump him but if it's a guy then he's a little bitch for complaining. for all you women out there who want sexual "equality" remember this: equality is a two way street.


Erindub 0

She couldn't have double swipped her card? I'd have walked with you : (

You wanted HER to walk in the freezing cold because YOU forgot YOUR pass? Chivalry really is dead.

delcoo_baby 0

Screw chivalry, what about love? I'm a girl with a boyfriend who I love and I don't care how cold it is, I wouldn't leave my boyfriend to walk alone in the snow.

Perfect relationship: both partners make sacrifices for each other on their own initiative. None asks the other one to make sacrifices, but the other makes them nonetheless. Girls who expect to be treated like a little princess and guys who want to be treated like kings should be left behind in the case of a zombie outbreak. Once contaminated, you can have the enjoyment of shooting them without risking legal trouble. Anyway, are people stupid? Why do some people think their partner is dying to be someone's obedient slave? For sex? Anyone can pay for sex or even get it free without commitments...

why didn't she just pay for you? jeez. its Judy bus fare ._.

same thing happened to me but it was my boyfriend and his friends stole my hoodie

*sarcasm* what a great girlfriend i woulda been mad as hell.