But… What about my Cranberry sauce?

By Anonymous - 24/11/2021 17:01

Today, I found out my family's Thanksgiving was canceled. Why? Because my mom doesn't want to cheat on her diet, so we aren't having it at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 062
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Arrange a nice getaway for your mom, then have thanksgiving without her.

Yeah that’s not cool. A diet is more of personal choice, should not have to include everyone else. That’s selfish quite frankly, I have to suffer so you all do too kinda mentality.


49_Donuts 12

Time to head to a friends house!

That sounds more like an eating disorder than a diet. I know it sounds like a joke but you or a family member may want to approach her (nicely and with compassion) to suggest she see someone. That type of extreme food avoidance is a BIG red flag.

Some people are super strict on their diet once they want to commit to it. What if you all have a dinenr with salads/veggies/low calories stuff? I understand it's would not be the usual Tanksgiving but it's still nice to see family right?

Yeah that’s not cool. A diet is more of personal choice, should not have to include everyone else. That’s selfish quite frankly, I have to suffer so you all do too kinda mentality.

Arrange a nice getaway for your mom, then have thanksgiving without her.

reminds me of my overweight parents who went on a diet and insisted I do too even though I’m skinny. hopefully you’ll get food somewhere else op