By yamsterr - 12/03/2012 16:27 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I agreed to tell her parents that she's pregnant. When they started freaking out, instead of dealing with the situation maturely, she went into straight-up denial and said, "It's okay, I'm not the mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 929
You deserved it 6 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This week on the Maury show, a 16 year old girl demands a paternity test from herself


Who is stupid enough to say I'm not the mother. That makes no sense. Wait I would probably something like that

Since you said girlfriend, parents, and pregnant all in the same sentence, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you're too young to be having sex, especially without birth control. Her response further adds to that theory. smh...YDI

loser_lover95 9

Damn whatever happened to Hey Arnold?

hapetreefriend 1

I'm ngl that's funny as hell

If you're dating someone that stupid, it doesn't say anything good about you.

Right. It amazes me how folks whine about their SO or spouses but choose to stay with/marry them anyway. If you choose to stay with or marry someone, you are saying (non-verbally) that ALL of their flaws are ok. So why complain?

firefighterjohn 9

why is everyone saying that the gf said she's not the mom. Im pretty sure the gfs mom is the one who said that..... unless I read it wrong. I may be wrong.

Wow. Thats sad if you cheat on your wife and she doesnt dump you on your ass