By Sapphirlinda - 03/07/2010 23:25 - Netherlands

Today, my friend told me I'm not welcome in her house anymore. I've spent the last two months painting and doing it up for her, because she's pregnant and couldn't herself. I just finished the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 804
You deserved it 3 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

palatapus 0

Doesn't sound like a friend to me.


PugDelatorre 11

Paint a lot of different colors all over her house.

Just because someone is pregnant doesn't mean you have to do things for them, my sister had a two year old child and pregnant she still could help paint, put things together, and do things around the house. She took constant breaks but didn't expect anyone to help her or acted weak. Your friend sounds like a user, just leave a mess (whatever you didn't clean up) and walk out, doesn't seem worth the aggression

Sounds like it's time to find new friends...

I feel as though you're leaving out some pertinent information. why would she just randomly banish you?

wrenavery90 12

I feel like you're leaving out some pertinent details.