By Flicker - 14/05/2009 07:23 - Australia

Today, my football club gave us all jerseys with our last names on them. My last name is 'Flicker'. The letters are all in uppercase. And the 'L' and the 'I' are joined together at the bottom. My jersey reads 'FUCKER'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 50

Top comments

Heh, I'd be proud of it - seeing as you can now wear a shirt saying "******" on it without getting in trouble!

hahaha, what's awesome! when you get mad at your opponent, just turn your back to them!


patray_angel 0

I think it would better for you to wear the jersey for what is says than to cover it up. You have gotten soo many people on this site that think it is cool, so I am sure a lot of your teammates and/or friends probably do to, which means you would get called worse if you tried to "fix" your shirt. Guys and even girls can be pretty cruel. I say wear the shirt with pride! Since you will get called "******" a lot, just be like "you know it!"

Monstarred 7

Lmao, that will be a hit at the games.

I think that's pretty awesome, actually. Not a FML.

dnr928 0

this is NOT an FML. just don't wear it anywhere but in school and in games lol

"Today, my friends brought me to watch a football match. I really liked one of the guys who brought his team to the victory and he was cute but when he ran close to where we sat, I saw his last name was ******. FML" Can imagine? OP: sorry man. But aren't they going to replace it?

LOLLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! i agree with #3's idea!!!!

hahahahhahahhhahahahahahha this made my day

I think that's kind of cool, actually!

FYL for not having a better sense of humor. ****** jersey = win