By Flicker - 14/05/2009 07:23 - Australia

Today, my football club gave us all jerseys with our last names on them. My last name is 'Flicker'. The letters are all in uppercase. And the 'L' and the 'I' are joined together at the bottom. My jersey reads 'FUCKER'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 50

Top comments

Heh, I'd be proud of it - seeing as you can now wear a shirt saying "******" on it without getting in trouble!

hahaha, what's awesome! when you get mad at your opponent, just turn your back to them!


hahaha! at my camp there is a cabin for the little kids (like 9 years old) and it's called FLICKERS cause all the cabins are named after birds, and the cabin sign has it in all caps so the sign reads "*******"

Midgetron 0

thats pretty dern cool, i would actually be happy to have a jersey like that.

mflick 0

I totally feel your pain. my last name is Flick and people always come up to me and say that they thought my last name was ****. When I studied abroad in london my hall director made signs that had our names on it for our door. Ever since then all my friends have called me Matt ****.

kaykay317 0

DUDE SEND ME YOUR JERSEY I WOULD WEAR THAT EVERYWHERE MALLS CHURCH PPL BE LIKE "look at that ******" i would ******* love it that is not an FML that is just cool

best jersey ever! please send me that, i wish i had that last name!!

ImaTrainwreck 0

That's not a FML. That's awesome. I'd want a jersey that said '******' on it. Ha.

Brittney9545 0

Thats hilarious ! you should just qo walkinq with that shirt on lmao priceless

YDI for putting you r name oin the jersey. Way to be full of yourdsself/

realllly realllllllllly don't get how this is a FYL! Thats awesome, you have the best last name ever and #198 u are stupid seriously all sports jersey's have their last name on it