By Yoda - 08/07/2011 05:23 - United States

Today, my drunk father chased me down the street with my little brother's light saber screaming, "Come back Yoda! Teach me how to use the force!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 954
You deserved it 4 897

Same thing different taste


ParkersGirl 0

BAHAHAHA! Someone should have gotten a pic!

creedaddict 9

thats some funny shit lmao

XxbrokeNCYDExX 6

i wish my dad would do that instead of screaming at us

put him in time out lol amd take away the saber tell him he has to learm using the force first without the saber he isnt ready for it yet lol

Never underestimate the power of the dark side.

should of turned around kicked him in the nuts and told him to suck it till your sick