By Noname - 06/03/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, my daughter asked me when was the first time I had sex. After I told her 22 she quickly shouted, "Beat ya!" She's thirteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 704
You deserved it 106

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i would have kicked her ass. Thirteen? You are now handcuffing that child to a table leg until bedtime.

HungerGames95 13

yeah I'm sure that would help...

TryToBeKind 0

I hope you told her that you made a mistake by thinking that she was mature enough to make good decisions and that in order to make up for it, you'll make sure that she gets plenty of supervision and extra help. Then, enlist trusted friends, relatives, religious-group members, teachers, and other assorted mentors to help her out (by removing privacy outside of bathing/toileting) until she proves herself. She might have done so by the age of 30. If she made that decision while under supervision of someone you trusted, I'd sue the H*** out of that person for neglect of duty.

XxStraightupJG 0

i never planned on beating my kid but if my daughter told me that i would grab a bag of oranges, doesnt leave a bruise but shows her whos boss

What the heck is wrong with all of you close-minded people? There is nothing wrong with doing something that makes you and others feel good. Yes, I do think that 13 is a bit young, but if she's mature enough to be able to a) tell her mother, b) not get pregnant, and c) not get any STDs, then she's probably mature enough to consent to sex. I do think that you, as a parent, should talk to her more and find out what she's doing, making sure she's able to consent, etc, and understands that it's a bit of a big deal, but seriously. This is the 21st century. The age of loss-of-virginity is going lower and lower each year. Get over yourselves. Also, she never said that she had sex. Just that she'd beat her mom's 22. And if she's good looking at all, in this day and age, she probably will. And no, I'm not a guy.

I don't know why some people say that it is your fault if you didn't teach your daughter about sex. *rolls eyes* My mother never told me anything about sex... NOTHING. I didn't have sex until my early 20s.

Brozain 0

beat the crap out of her and tell her that is why sex is wrong. Because you'll break both her legs and make her cry like she had never cried before. ...At least..That's what my mom always told me...

ewww 13? That's really gross.... What's wrong with people these days? Being a ***** is nothing to be proud of. The age of consent is 16-18 (depending on the state) for a reason you know.