By frostedmist - 14/12/2011 08:49 - Australia

Today, my dad took me to the 'Super Butcher'. It's basically a warehouse turned into a giant, walk-in meat freezer, complete with headless pig carcasses. I'm a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 467
You deserved it 12 522

frostedmist tells us more.

i'm a teenager. a"child" in my fathers eyes. and it's easily 28 degrees Celsius outside. and he managed to make me wear jeans and a jumper, saying it would be cold. i didn't know we were going there. He thought it would be ok for me to walked around in a giant meat freezer.

Top comments

Unless he carried you in there or dragged you kicking and screaming, you have no excuse because you walked your own dumb ass into the place. With a name like "Super Butcher", what did you expect to find inside, daisies and rainbows?

That's terrible! I'm curious tho, are you one of the vegetarians that are against animal slaughter?


The amount of hormones in meat is negligible compared to the amount of hormones your body produces naturally. Some people just can't stomach meat, but don't blame it on artificial hormones.

Im not a vegetarian and would have meat with every meal if possible lol, but still seeing that would make me sick :/ FYL OP

I support PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals

Why is it every time vegetarianism is mentioned someone always makes this comment? It stopped being funny 10 years ago.

StitchnLilo 24

U realize PETA are animal rights activists? Im vegetarian and am for animal welfare. How about u learn about crap before you say anything?

Super butcher? Can I have directions, that sounds awesome.

Poor thing! I wouldn't be able to stand that and I'm not even vegetarian :(

Makes my mouth water. I'm sure yours did too because WE R SUPPOSED TO EAT MEAT