By oh gee, you don't say - 15/12/2012 18:43 - United Kingdom - Southampton

Today, my dad forced the whole family to sit through a two-hour lecture, with supporting research, on how the "Mayan prophecy" is actually a load of shit fabricated by conmen. Nice to know he thinks we're all borderline brain-dead, gullible fuckwits who believed it to begin with. Thanks, dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 015
You deserved it 4 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loserboii 11

On the 21st, play some music with loud bass on your speakers to make the house shake. Then see if he comes down screaming that the Mayans were right.

Tell him to explain it again, through the use of interpretive dance


If you actually did believe the prophecy then u deserve it

unknownfork 12

Your dad is a cool guy. The Mayans never even predicted apocalypse. If you figured that out instead of listening to all the ignorant people who actually believed I would happen, then you wouldn't have to go through the 2 hour lecture.

The Mayans didn't even make a prediction. And even if they had, why believe it? It would have as much worth as a horoscope, that is to say, none.

To be fair though, your dad may have said it to prevent you from doing anything stupid to yourself. Just being cautious rather than being regretful in the near future, in case you were dumb enough to do something. Dont be so harsh on him, he cares about you. :)

how can anyone vote YDI on this one?... can anyone say "mid-life crisis"? FYL, OP.

******* is officially my new favorite word