By paprgrl421 - 13/05/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, my cell phone rang while I was still asleep. I picked it up, half asleep, only to find it was a wrong number from some guy. Three minutes later I receive a text message saying "Hey, you sound cute..." from the same number. I looked to see if he was local. I'm that desperate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 677
You deserved it 10 105

paprgrl421 tells us more.

He was local, no I didn't respond. I live in a less densely populated area (i.e. small town) so it's very easy to see where he was from. I can even pinpoint his cellular carrier by his area code+***. That's how few places offer cell service in wisconsin

Top comments

Ha ha.. So, how's the relationship been?

Sadly enough, I wish that would happen to me



**** desperate, dude! Take it where you can get it!

good god, i hate assholes like those. you better be careful because guys who go for girls who "sound cute" must either be ugly as hell or mentally challenged.

That happened to me before on a long drive. The girl that called me was pretty cool and we ended up being good friends. I say go for it! What's the worst that could happen?

F your life? Man, you must not realize how hard it is for some of us to get a date! I live next to a big college campus and can't get a date for all the tea in China! And here you are, getting a potential date just for answering the phone!

ahhh in my opinion it sounds CUTE! but you know if you see his picture and he turns out to be ugly, he's going to be creepy if he's hot then its cute haha thats why im imagining its some dreamy, good-looking guy =p~

Uhm #7, wtf is wrong with you? Isn't everyone a stranger until you meet them?? & I don't think this is an FML at all... see where it goes, but just be smart about it :).

LostHope 0

I think that's cute. i would of sent a smiley face :)

Monty_Python 0

FYL for being that desperate, but at the same time, you deserve it for not being outgoing enough. If you're a woman, then that goes double for not putting out.