By Anonymous - 24/02/2011 08:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend snuck into my house and hid in my closet. Knowing that I have a phobia of people jumping out of closets, he nonetheless thought it would be funny to see how I'd react. I had a panic attack and was taken to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 302
You deserved it 6 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP's the real jerk here. She's clearly afraid of open homosexuals.

Sorry, OP! Panic attacks suck. It sounds like your panic attacks are pretty severe if you had to be taken to the hospital, though...You might consider seeking help for that. It's certainly helped me!


Aw, I'm sorry. He might've been trying to surprise you with good intention. Otherwise, he is a dick.

bamagirl14 0

how is he a jerk for that? maybe he just wanted to surprise her. She shouldn't break up with him. that's stupid.

Read the FML again, his intention was to scare her just to see her reaction because he knew that was her phobia. How is that not being a jerk?

SarahStarzz 0

I love how people always say in FML "BREAK UP!!!" it's easy 2 say hard 2 do. And I dnt think she should break up with someone she likes cuz he was joking with her :P Just move on nd tell him not 2 do it again

Really? Why is this world have idiots who do sh*t like that? Don't give him some for awhile as punishment :D PS FYL

A phobia of people jumping out of closets? That's oddly specific...

Omg that is EXACTLY what I thought when I read this FML!

I understand where you're coming from, OP. I am incredibly jumpy. I scream if someone enters the room when I haven't heard them coming. I am scared of people jumping out of cupboards, from dark doorways and hiding under beds. I hope your boyfriend learned his lesson. If he tries anything like it again, dump him.

supahnazi 0

"thanks babe" made me **** my pants

That's terrible :( Phobias are not something to joke around with. I hope he realizes that now.