By The Clitshank Redemption - 05/06/2013 23:11 - United Kingdom - Cambridge

Today, my boyfriend of six days proposed to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 247
You deserved it 12 453

Top comments

Woah... either he's crazy in love or....he's just crazy. I'm gonna go with the latter... Save yoursellffff!!

zingline89 18

How did you do the math so fast??


BrownSuger_96 3

wow....well did you say yes or no I'm sure he's waiting

LookAttMyyLifee 12
Troisaules 7

I know it's EXTREMELY soon and awkward , but how is it a fml ?

courtneybelle718 9
courtneybelle718 9

I know somebody who waited until marriage for sex!

My bf and I jokingly proposed to each other yesterday, saying we'd get married tomorrow. But since I'm not 18, we said that we'd get married the day after my birthday. We've been together for two months