By The Clitshank Redemption - 05/06/2013 23:11 - United Kingdom - Cambridge

Today, my boyfriend of six days proposed to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 247
You deserved it 12 453

Top comments

Woah... either he's crazy in love or....he's just crazy. I'm gonna go with the latter... Save yoursellffff!!

zingline89 18

How did you do the math so fast??


poprocks1999 6

Unfortunately, this sounds like something I would do. FML

Well at least it's longer than most disney loves

Sounds like my dad and his five EX wives..

You must be pretty hot, but I have seen it happen faster. Some guy asked some girl to marry him on their first date.

That's what you get for being delightful. You're welcome.