By great_just_great - 24/02/2013 05:48 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, my boyfriend of almost six years asked me to move in with him. I assumed he meant that he was finally moving out of his parents' house and had found a place for us to live. No, it turns out he means he wants me to move in with him at his parents' place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 891
You deserved it 5 891

great_just_great tells us more.

Hey everyone.. Just to let you know, he's 36 and I'm 29. I moved in for about two weeks but found I couldn't handle it. We've broken up and to be honest, I'm kind of glad this all happened; it helped me work out that he was all wrong for me.

Top comments

oj101 33

Free food, no housework or bills. Sounds like a win to me.

Good God almighty he's 36? Man, you probably did good there.


WickedFan 12

I wouldn't have done it, especiall if you'd be moving from your own place into his parents place. I don't see any positives in being forever beholden to someone else's expectations. In the cultures where this is the norm (China, India) extreme amount of domestic violence and even murder

Good God. I'm proud of you for breaking up with him, OP. I'm 21 and had to move back in with my parents for a 6 week job and I'm pretty close to just jumping out the window. How can somebody be so insane as to live with their parents at that age? I don't get how you put up with that for 6 years. Where did you have sex? He seems weirdly attached to his parents' home; did he make you come over or did he mostly hang out at your place? So many questions...

doglady 16

Congratulations. You're dating Howard Wolowitz.