By Single - 07/08/2010 11:01 - France

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because he wanted to make the most of his 1 month X-Box Live coupon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 399
You deserved it 7 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did he dump you? Why didn't he just say "you're welcome to come visit me and watch me on Xbox. I'll be busy this month playing on it." (not that, it's good but i'm trying to be understanding to people who own Xbox es) instead of flat out dumping you. He's a douche for doing that; unless there is more to it and he was planning on breaking up with you anyway...


Kawaiichan42 3

Gamers don't need to "get a life," they have lots of lives. Lame joke, I know, but it's not as lame as telling somebody that they shouldn't spend their life doing something they enjoy.

wow. sounds like somethin my boyfriend would do! y do guys like x box so much????? i played it, its not that much fun!

You get what you pay for! If you enter a 3 month ($20) on December 23rd, Xbox upgrades the 3 month to a 12 month. I've been doing that for the past 2 years. Halo Reach FTW! Can't play Halo on a PS3.

Screw blue ray, give me my Halo Reach! lmao

lol im sorry but xbox is mad expensive and i wouldnt do the same thing but i would definitely be like, sorry babe but im not gonna be able to talk to you as often cuz im gonna be kickin some ass!

OP ur boyfriends a dumbass you can get 1 month free with every account you make. just make a new account every month and you get free XBL

Jonsey92 0

psn inuyashableach add me ppl!! I'm a guy btw and I play guitar and codmw2