By hegchog12 - 16/01/2015 02:38 - United Kingdom

Today, my boss told me that as funny as it is, it is inappropriate to mock customers with my "fake" Scottish accent. I don't, he refuses to believe that I speak with a Scottish accent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 342
You deserved it 2 429

hegchog12 tells us more.

What makes this FML worse is that I still live and work in Scotland. I brought it up with my boss, turns out he thinks it's "disrespectful" to put on my "fake" accent after the referendum. I really must look for a another job. I don't want to offend anyone but Im one of the few people in the Scottish highlands that don't speak the "queens English".

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

Did he not hear your accent when he hired you?

Tell him that in the UK you have Scotland and Scots speak with a Scottish accent. If he can't get it.. well...He's a braindead.


incoherentrmblr 21

Go tell him to feed his lawn. Feed it!...

Tell him that in the UK you have Scotland and Scots speak with a Scottish accent. If he can't get it.. well...He's a braindead.

Haha he definitely needs to become more culturally diverse

giantsfan2010 23

Did he not hear your accent when he hired you?

He thought he was just doing an impersonation of Shrek and he hired him because that's his favorite movie. Little tip to anyone seeking a job: Do the entire interview as your interviewer's favorite movie character. Works every time. Well except for that time I hobbled my interviewer. I guess that's what he gets for liking Misery so much.

Start mimicking the way he speaks . He will either fire you or stop giving you grief.

Why should he? He has a right to speak with his own accent..

Show him birth records or any records that indicate you lives in Scotland and he still doesn't believe you... Is should be FHL.

"Boss I know that it sounds weird but I speak with a Scottish accent because I'm Scottish! Funny, isn't it?"

Some people think you fake your accent, mine is quite thick for a Scottish lassie and some refuse to believe it's not fake. I'm from the North, we speak different up there than in the South. -_-

Sounds like your boss really sucks OP, FYL.

I don see how it's bad anyway, I love Scottish accents