By Disrespectful - 18/01/2017 09:01

Today, my boss fired me for "disrespecting" him after I told him to fuck off. This would be understandable, if I hadn't said it when he was at my house for dinner, harassing my wife with suggestive poses, heavily implied comments, and trying to put his hand on her crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 281
You deserved it 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could you go to HR or something? Even if he's the boss I would not want that kind of person representing my company.

ohsnapword 21

<p>He's lucky that you only told him to "**** off". &nbsp;I would have knocked his teeth down his throat.</p>


ohsnapword 21

<p>He's lucky that you only told him to "**** off". &nbsp;I would have knocked his teeth down his throat.</p>

<p>If he fired OP on the spot, he might as well have done it right then and there.</p>

Could you go to HR or something? Even if he's the boss I would not want that kind of person representing my company.

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zyperman43 19

He wouldn't have been killed, he would've "committed suicide."



Talis99 26

Why wait for a firing? Would have told him then and there you quit.

Innoxium 1

<p>The moment he made the first suggestive comment to my wife, he would be fertilizer for the trees in the backyard.&nbsp;</p>

<p>The fact that your first solution to a problem is murder tells me you probably wouldn't have a moral problem with doing the same to someone else's SO.</p>

Talis99 26

Yeah. That's the obvious conclusion to his statement, Danne. Obviously.

<p>Sue him, and the company for wrongful termination, it'll be quick, easy, and you'll make bank.&nbsp;</p>

YLS because you got fired. YDI for mingling your work with your personal life. You don't shit where you eat.

<p>But don't a lot of white-collar or executive jobs generally do stuff like that? &nbsp;</p>

<p>Having the boss over for dinner is sort of THE stereotypical white collar job thing to do. Also, "don't shit where you eat" means to not do awful crap where you live, even if you do awful crap elsewhere. Having the boss over for dinner is more trying to climb the corporate ladder where you eat.</p>

<p>It's not uncommon for high-level workers to have their bosses over for dinner. I don't know what OP's role in the company is/was, but if he was a high-level manager, it wouldn't be unheard of to have his boss over for dinner.&nbsp;</p> <p>That does not give the boss license to sexually harass his staffer's spouse. And if he did try to touch her crotch, that's sexual assault.</p>

<p>Your boss sexually assaults women. Go to the police.</p>