By nanall - 04/06/2012 07:19 - United States

Today, my 24-year-old brother tried to convince me that Hogwarts is real, because there is no way a person could have written that based on imagination. My parents agreed with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 217
You deserved it 4 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, the dementors are going to take your brother to Azkaban now because he told you.. And i'll gladly come with him!

Of Hogwarts is real... You didn't get your acceptance letter? Poor Muggle :,(


Nope there is no real one and yes someone could have written the story with imagination. Isn't that what everyone thinks about? Magic, monsters, witches, goblins, dragons and bad guys? But I don't know why people would put a bad guy with no nose.

He doesn't have a nose so no one can use his nose hair for a polyjuice potion (same reason why he's bald) duh!

MerrikBarbarian 9

At least star wars one can point to the death star hanging out near Saturn (google Mimas if you don't know what I mean)... But hogwarts? Challenge him to take the train there and enjoy his repeated attempts to run through the wall perhaps? ;)

jaredofmo 22

Oh, how silly. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to ride my broom to Taco Bell then use my Silver Shoes to hang out in the Emerald City.

bhadrohn 0
BubbleGrunge 18

Wait, you mean Hogwarts isn't real?? My whole life has been a lie!!!!

SystemofaBlink41 27

Yes it is! Wait... you mean that man behind the dumpster was lying when he said he'd show me magic?

It is a real physical place but if I'm not mistaken Hogwarts is not it's name

No, but it's actually more than one place if I'm not mistaken, but the castle names continue to elude me

perdix 29

Of course, it's real. Where do you think witches and wizards learn their craft -- the Internet? There are no Kahn Academy modules for Herbology of Defense Against the Dark Arts, dummy.

Silly Noor. You can only do that once a year. :)