By PC Jones - 20/09/2011 14:56 - Australia

Today, it was my first day as a police officer. A couple of hours into the shift, we got a call. A man was drunkenly jeering and urinating on parked cars. That man turned out to be my father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 451
You deserved it 3 214

Same thing different taste


Brooding99 15

Wow, OP, fyl and then some. Hope you had to tazer, because this will be hell on your career, socially speaking.

gamegeek42 6

you deserve it because you are a cop!

you should have tazed him!! and then thrown him in jail!!

IDrownOreos 0

Sounds like something my dad would do

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they related to you? Lmao! Sorry dude, but I couldn't let this one go.

tmmundy 17

#33 that was actually kinda funny...but now I will be singing that stupid song in my head all morning...thanks lol

thiscrazything 1

OMG, sucks for you. Kind of sounds like my dad. Hope the rest of your day went better.

wriptidez 0

wow.. he needs help from a doctor perhaps besy wishes

You ******* pig, why the **** would u choose that job piggy

lmaoatall 6

So the public can be safe from asswipes like you!

Prankster7o7 5

You know, sometimes I'm ashamed to admit I'm part of this generation. :/

BooGhosted 0

I don't think a specific generation has ever hated cops more or less than another generation. It's just ours has the Internet to broadcast it on so it seems like more.

So he can keep asses like you safe. See what happens without cops. It would be total f****** anarchy.

Petronix 5

"**** da poh-lease" Right? Well when you're getting your ass beat because of the path of life you have chosen, don't bother calling the "piggies." Asshat.

Haha people like you make me laugh, I bet that despite whatever you say, you would never say that to a cops face. I am a cop as well and ******* sick of little pricks like you doing **** all in life thinking your hot shit. I've saved more people's lives than I can remember and been stabbed and narrowly dodged bullets on a number of times whilst helping people in the line of duty. NOW WHAT THE **** IS IT THAT YOU DO WITH YOUR LIFE THAT MAKES YOU SO ******* SUPERIOR?

At least it wasn't your Mom peeing on cars. Did you pretend not to know him?