By birthdayfun - 23/03/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My mom decided to wake me up by having our new, previously stray, cat thrown on top of me. I was awoken to two claws ripping across my face which needed 16 stitches to fix. Happy Birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 492
You deserved it 37

Top comments

Was it your 16th birthday at least? D:

uhnonnuhmus 0

To get revenge, just throw the stray cat into the shower with your mom someday. Then run like hell.


medahj 0

happy birthday! and im so sorry to hear that! totally hate it when good things go dreadfully wrong....

DeeJayD 0

Your mother is a colossal moron. #16, my god, she could catch the Jew.

Faced159 0

dude what the hell is your mom's problem. what a crazy bitch

Your mom sounds like a hoot! It's just too bad her antics put a damper on your birthday.

did this cat have edward scissor hands? ive been scratched by my cat before and never have i ever had to have stitches! But yeah your mom should be a brain surgeon she'll do great. Oh yeah Happy belated Birthday!

My mom used to open my door so my dog would wake me up. The only thing worse than waking up with a face soaking wet with dog saliva is getting 16 stitches.

efftthhiiss 0

your mom is a dumbass. and 59 there are WAY more things worse than waking up to dog saliva. you're not the brightest either.

Sucks_to_be_you 0

At least you have a cat? Happy Birthday

you should buy a porcupine and throw it at her face