By birthdayfun - 23/03/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My mom decided to wake me up by having our new, previously stray, cat thrown on top of me. I was awoken to two claws ripping across my face which needed 16 stitches to fix. Happy Birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 492
You deserved it 37

Top comments

Was it your 16th birthday at least? D:

uhnonnuhmus 0

To get revenge, just throw the stray cat into the shower with your mom someday. Then run like hell.


Paralex 0

At that point you have the right to punch your mom right in the face.

Uconnrunner 0

At least chris brown isn't your dad. That would suck

thellamanator 0

wake her up like that for the next week or get rid of the cat and get a dog. happy birthday!

Your mother sounds like a genius. I recommend using this to your every childhood advantage.

crazy_cat_lady 0

You should throw a badger on her face for her birthday. Or you can borrow one of my 74 feral cats.

pdoom 0

Someone said 16 stitches is probably an exaggeration, except one cut alone could need a ton of stitches if it was long enough. Cats are ******* vicious, don't doubt that shit.

Mr_Wong 0

# 16, you apparently have no idea how rabies is transmitted do you? It's transmitted through biting, not scratches. As for the OP, Happy Birthday, first of all. Secondly, that was a seriously retarded thing for your mom to do, not only could you have gotten your eyes scratched out or some other thing, you could also get an infection from the cuts. Keep an eye on them. Take lots of antibiotics. Hope you had a better day though. Plus that's cruelty to the cat. Stupid idiotic bitch.