By birthdayfun - 23/03/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My mom decided to wake me up by having our new, previously stray, cat thrown on top of me. I was awoken to two claws ripping across my face which needed 16 stitches to fix. Happy Birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 493
You deserved it 37

Top comments

Was it your 16th birthday at least? D:

uhnonnuhmus 0

To get revenge, just throw the stray cat into the shower with your mom someday. Then run like hell.


if it makes you feel any better, my mom would do the exact same thing. but ti wouldn't be on my birthday because she wouldn't have remembered

I didn't know cats could scratch badly enough to require stitches. But your mom's a nutcase, seriously. You don't go throwing something with claws and teeth at your sleeping child.

fuckrealIzation 0

no. 16 i'm pretty sure u can't catch rabbis from a cat...unless it's the legendary JEWCAT!

AngelicDreamer 0


photographer_fml 0

lmao #7 i would have been pissed

Tundra234 0

whats with the jew jokes??? i dont get it. whats a jewcat??

Jakil_Spectre 0

LMAO, I'm still laughing at #10..... but seriously that sucks.

blackfire_fml 0

They should have written FML in the chart with the letters on it...