By damnit - 27/10/2008 09:08 - United States

Today, it appears that my girlfriend visited an internet web page called "How to confess to having an affair." FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 079
You deserved it 5 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ck12 0

Was leaving the browser open on that website one of the suggestions?


bbandbff555 0

damn, that sucks. confront her about it soon.. who knows how long it will take her considering shes looking up how to tell you on the freaking internet! good luck:)

j3susfr3ak 0

haha. just tell her that you are also having an affair and that you have been waiting for the right time to tell her that you have herpies

vreaulamata 0

awww sh.... that is horrible here's what to do: simply break all contact i mean just instantly treat her as a stranger and get on with your life.

chasity_27 2

haha--- that's a sign... FYL

awesomechick911 5

FYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is horribleee.....

ducky_butt 0

haha thats a very good idea! She'd feel pretty shitty then!

icantellu 7

I was one time babysitting for this young couple, I was typing google, and the 'g' also gave the suggestion of past Internet history of "how to give a *******". I was a little grossed out.