By mrosewrosem - 12/12/2018 05:00

Today, I woke up with a swollen face and have been diagnosed with mumps. Despite having been vaccinated against it. Twice. I have three assignments due next week and I can barely stay awake long enough to type this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 663
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maroongrad 13

That sucks beyond suckage :( Herd immunity is important for the 5 to 15% of vaccinations that don't "take" (some vaccines are nearly perfect, others less so). Anti-vaxxers ruin it for the rest of us. Plus side, if your teachers are in their 60s, they've had the mumps and know what you are going through. Those of us younger got our vaccines back when EVERYONE vaccinated (pre-doctor-google-and-sticking-jade-rocks-in-your-hoo-haw-and-magic-pink-salt). So, they may not know how much mumps knocks you flat. But, let them know, cross fingers, and then go recover! You can also email them a picture of you looking like a chipmunk.... You might also ask the health office (or school nurse, depending on where you go) what the vaccination rate at your school is. If it's dipping under 95%, might be time to change schools. If one vaccine didn't work for you, others might not have worked, either!

Call your school/college, let them know you have the mumps, and ask for extensions on your assignments.


maroongrad 13

That sucks beyond suckage :( Herd immunity is important for the 5 to 15% of vaccinations that don't "take" (some vaccines are nearly perfect, others less so). Anti-vaxxers ruin it for the rest of us. Plus side, if your teachers are in their 60s, they've had the mumps and know what you are going through. Those of us younger got our vaccines back when EVERYONE vaccinated (pre-doctor-google-and-sticking-jade-rocks-in-your-hoo-haw-and-magic-pink-salt). So, they may not know how much mumps knocks you flat. But, let them know, cross fingers, and then go recover! You can also email them a picture of you looking like a chipmunk.... You might also ask the health office (or school nurse, depending on where you go) what the vaccination rate at your school is. If it's dipping under 95%, might be time to change schools. If one vaccine didn't work for you, others might not have worked, either!

Boyufd 24

how is this an anti vaxxer fault?

Because they break down herd immunity and turn their children into bacteria bombs to infect everyone else who can't get vaccinations, or for those who the vaccine didn't work as well with. So, yes, the anti-vaxxers are to blame.

Maroongrad, did you go to Roanoke College in VA?

LOL the OP got vaccinated twice... herd immunity and anti vaxxers are not to blame here...

Call your school/college, let them know you have the mumps, and ask for extensions on your assignments.

Do you go to my college? We're having a huge outbreak and it's finals time

CalB22 6

My college had a confirmed case but I don’t think it spread too bad

Praying for you. I hope you feel better soon.

Ray_of_Midnight_2 3

This is why herd immunity is important. There is always some small percentage of the population who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons or in whom the vaccination is ineffective. They're reliant on the immunity of their neighbors to keep from getting sick. It's why vaccination is not a simple personal choice.