By R_U_CEREAL - 04/07/2009 08:58 - United States

Today, I woke up finding myself violently humping my pillow. My mom recorded it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 090
You deserved it 13 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awuh_man 0


Dang! Hahaha, someone had a fun night. (=P

omgznoes 0

dude I've done it many times before, not with the pillow, but the mattress. shit happens lol.

Your mom was enjoying every minute of it ;)

fake!!!! three days ago i put a fml saying i woke up to my dog humping me my girlfriend recorded it and sent it to all her friends. all you had to do was read my fml im moderate flm's

So..the same thing can't possibly happen twice? Hello, this type of thing happens. OP : Omg your mom is CREEPY! I would just calmly walk out of the room and burst out laughing later.

amidecour 0

Oh man, "violently". The adverb makes this.

Terilyn4500 0

hahaahhaah......violently.... whoa what a dream that must have been hahahahah

haha. did you buy your pillow a drink first? mom told me that i used to hump my pillow when i was younger (like age 4) that is sooo classic. sooo funny. and your mom is NOT weird, i would do the same thing cause it's freaking hillarious!!

Nai_fml 0

I can just imagine the next time you have a girlfriend (or boyfriend, if you swing that way) over to meet your parents for the first time. "Oh, and here he is taking his first steps..." "Aww!" "And here he is the day he was humping his pillow in his sleep..." "...LOLWTF."

catindigamajig 0

you just made my day with that comment. HAHAHA.

Nai_fml 0

I'm happy that my useless ranting has proven to be funny to at least one person!