By iamnotuseless - 10/12/2010 11:37

Today, I went to my local pharmacy. Walking in, the security guard rudely asked me what I was going to buy. I brushed him off and walked in. I was paying and told the cashier what happened. She said "Sorry, we get a lot of hobos, they tend to steal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 876
You deserved it 5 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should invest in some nicer clothes, and/or a hair cut?


Well, if you didn't know you dressed like a hobo, then you do now. I suggest you watch a couple, "What Not to Wear" episodes instead of sulking on FML.

Michigan_Girl 0

You should have told him you were going in to get your herpes medication and condoms, then see what he would have said!

I was thinking Monistat and marshmallow cream.

I'm wondering what you look like to be considered a hobo.

ankit123444 0

Umm.... Your pharmacy has a security guard? And this reminds me of the fact that today coming out of school I saw a hobo smoking across from my school under the bus stop :)